Proposed Bylaw Amendments
Amendments to the Local 75 Bylaws as proposed by the Local 75 Executive Board on October 6, 2022 and laid out at our most recent GMM will be voted on at our next General Membership Meeting on January 10, 2023.
The Proposed amendments include:
- Include the feminine pronoun and/or gender-neutral pronouns such as they/them wherever a masculine pronoun occurs
- Holding the election of officers every five years instead of every four years
For a complete listing of the proposed amendments and of our current bylaws, click the links below:
Local 75 By-Laws April 2008-as amended January 2011 – FINAL-1 (1)
Proposed Amendments to Local 75 Bylaws as approved by Local 75 Executive Board
If you have any questions, please speak with your Local 75 representative, your Executive Board representative, or contact us at [email protected] or 416-384-0983