Check out our October 2020 newsletter for important Local 75 updates! Read about extended recall rights, government lobbying efforts, local victories and so much more!
Check out our October 2020 Newsletter for important Local 75 updates! Read about extended recall rights, government lobbying efforts, local victories and so much more!
After the Royal York and Chelsea abruptly ended their participation in the CEWS program to bring back laid off workers, leaving only the Sheraton using the program this way, Local 75 turned up the heat.
Newsletter – October 2020
Check out our October 2020 newsletter for important Local 75 updates! Read about extended recall rights, government lobbying efforts, local victories and so much more!
Newsletter – October 2020
Check out our October 2020 Newsletter for important Local 75 updates! Read about extended recall rights, government lobbying efforts, local victories and so much more!
The Fight for CEWS Continues
After the Royal York and Chelsea abruptly ended their participation in the CEWS program to bring back laid off workers, leaving only the Sheraton using the program this way, Local 75 turned up the heat.