Federal government’s new bailout program for hospitality sector may benefit banks, not laid-off workers

Take a look at our new  Canadian Hospitality Bailouts Report detailing how a lack of conditions on the Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) hurts Canada’s hotel workers.

Newsletter – October 2020

Check out our October 2020 newsletter for important Local 75 updates!  Read about extended recall rights, government lobbying efforts, local victories and so much more!

Newsletter – October 2020

Check out our October 2020 Newsletter for important Local 75 updates!  Read about extended recall rights, government lobbying efforts, local victories and so much more!

The Fight for CEWS Continues

After the Royal York and Chelsea abruptly ended their participation in the CEWS program to bring back laid off workers, leaving only the Sheraton using the program this way, Local 75 turned up the heat.

Big News for EI and CERB!

On Thursday August 21, 2020 the federal government announced major changes to employment insurance, starting with a 4-week extension to the CERB program.  For most laid-off Local 75 members, that means CERB payments will continue until late September! 
Once CERB ends, workers will be transitioned onto regular EI – except with some major improvements to EI announced by the government including:
·      A minimum regular benefit of $400/week for at least 26 weeks.
·      A reduction in the minimum qualifying hours. 
·      Workers can continue to earn income with reduced benefits.
The government also announced its plans to create three new “Recovery Benefits” which have to pass a vote. Those proposed benefits include:
·      10-day COVID-related sick leave benefit.
·      A benefit for Caregivers.
·      A benefit for Self-Employed/Gig Worker.


Need help filing for EI? Service Canada recently began reopening their offices to the public. To find the closest one to you, click here.